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Lynn Pinafore flat front elastic back skirt hack


Sometimes you just want the best of two worlds, in this case a flat front waistband and an elasticated back waistband (no zip yay!)

Here's how Linn did it:

Preparation: cut all the skirt pieces, the back waistband for View C and the front waistband for View A.

Trim away 2 cm (1 ¾ in) from the top of the waist on the front top skirt panel.

Step 1

Sew the front skirt according to the instructions of View C, gather the waist.

Sew the back skirt according to the instructions of View C, leave the waist flat.

Step 2

Fold the back waistband in half, wrong sides together. Pin to the back skirt, right sides

together, and sew the waist seam. Overlock/zigzag the seams together.

Step 3

Measure out how much elastic you need (try about 2.5 cm/1 in shorter than half your

waist measurement) Thread the elastic through the back waistband, pin the end so it

doesn’t disappear, and then sew along each of the short edges of the waistband for the

elastic to stay.

Step 4

Lay the front waistband and waistband facing right sides together. Pin the top edge and sew. Under stitch the edge (sew a seam close to the edge on the facing side, catching all the seam allowances as you do so)

Step 5

Turn the front waistband right sides out and press the top edge. Make sure to press the edge so that the facing is hidden on the inside of the waist band. Press the 1 cm (3/8 in) seam allowance of the bottom edge of the waistband facing to the wrong side.

Step 6

Pin the waistband (outer layer only) right sides together with the gathered waist of the front skirt. Spread the gathers evenly. Sew and press the waist seams up.

Step 7

Pin the side seams of the skirt right sides together. When pinning the waistband, fold the front waistband around the back waistband: so the back waistband is sandwiched between the front waistband and waistband facing. Make sure that the seam allowance at the top of the front waistband is folded towards the facing side to make it flat when it is turned right sides out. Sew, then overlock/zigzag the seams

Step 9

Turn the waistband to be right sides out. Pin the front waistband facing so that it covers the waist seam on the inside, and stitch in the ditch from the outside to catch it all the way.

Hem the skirt, and you’re done!

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